Child support is determined in Michigan by the Michigan Child Support Guidelines. Among other things, the number of children the parties have, the parties' incomes and the number of overnights that the payer of child support has determines how much child support an individual will receive or pay. Child support is modifiable provided that there is an appropriate change in circumstances such as increases or decreases in income or change in the number of overnights that a parent has.
Diane knows the importance of understanding your responsibilities and rights as they relate to child support. Maximizing a positive outcome in determining child support is a priority to Diane. Whether it is during the divorce proceedings or after a divorce is final, having knowledgeable and experienced representation is imperative. There is no fee for the initial consultation, so make the call and discuss your situation with Diane. It is worth the small investment of your time to determine if you are paying or receiving the appropriate amount of child support.